Fruit Fly
Athymic Nude
Fruit Fly
Fruit Fly

Acrylic on canvas, with rhinestones.

24" x 20", 2017

The common fruit fly (Drosophila melanogaster) is a model organism that has been used to make significant advances in the fields of immunology, genetics and developmental biology, among others. Eight Nobel Prizes have been awarded to scientists who used these flies in their research.


Acrylic on canvas, with rhinestones

12" x 24", 2017


The C57BL/6 mouse strain is the most commonly inbred mouse strain. It was the first mouse strain to have it's DNA sequenced, and as a result the majority of genetic manipulations are done using this mouse. More info: 

The background shows Aspergillus fumigatus, a mould that we inhale on a daily basis and normally causes no harm. In cases where the immune system is weakened, this fungus can grow in the lungs and damage them, causing a fatal disease called invasive aspergillosis. 


Acrylic on canvas, with gold rhinestones

12" x 24", 2017


BALB/c are a widely used inbred mouse strain. Male mice of this strain are particular aggressive towards one another.

The background is a depiction of the fungus Alternaria alternata, a common fungus that causes diseases in plants and humans. In humans, it most often causes a type of allergic-type disease, or makes symptoms of asthma worse.

Athymic Nude
Athymic Nude

Acrylic on canvas, with rhinestones

12" x 24", 2017


Athymic nude mice have a genetic mutation which means that hair follicles don't form, as well as failing to form a thymus. The thymus is an organ that sits above your heart and is needed for proper development of the immune system. This mouse strain is particularly useful for trying to understand how immunodeficiency affects responses to infections and tumours.

The background are two types of fungi: Candida albicans and Cryptococcus neoformans. Both are yeast that cause serious infections in humans, that have limited treatment options and poor prognosis.